NtQuerySystemInformation SystemSuperfetchInformation update

NtQuerySystemInformation SystemSuperfetchInformation update

By Midi12

All content below is for educational purposes only

Original link

While trying to play with physical memory I found @Waryas nice thread and tried his NtQuerySystemInformation SystemSuperfetchInformation code.

Unfortunately, the code didn’t work as is, so I investigated. Calling NtQuerySystemInformation with SystemSuperfetchInformation class internally calls nt!PfQuerySuperfetchInformation which calls in turn nt!PfpMemoryRangesQuery.

In Waryas’s code the struct receiving class information is like below

typedef struct _PF_MEMORY_RANGE_INFO {
    ULONG Version;
    ULONG RangeCount;

and Version field has to be initialized with 0x1 value.

After tracing the call with <insert your favorite kernel debugger there> you’ll end up at nt!PfpMemoryRangesQuery+0x39.

fffff800`7817dd55 833e02 cmp dword ptr [rsi], 2

This checks for Version field of _PF_MEMORY_RANGE_INFO equals 0x2 (stored in rsi register) which doesn’t add up with Waryas’s code.

On my system (Windows version 10.0.18362.1) it asks for version 2 of the structure.

I don’t know which Windows system version 2 of the struct appeared but that’s business only if you want/need to support multiple versions of windows. (Thanks to @JD96 it has been added between 10_1709_16299_248 and 10_1803_17134_81)

As usual with Windows API versioned structure, if the version updates the struct updates.

Let’s reverse nt!PfpMemoryRangesQuery!

The major difference between versions 1 and 2 of nt!PfpMemoryRangesQuery is that it internally uses the new MmGetPhysicalMemoryRangesEx2 instead of MmGetPhysicalMemoryRangesEx.

The only difference between the two functions mentionned above is a new parameter called flags. According to msdn the flag is used if the caller wants FileOnly ranges. If you only want FileOnly ranges set the flags parameter to 1 otherwise set it to 0.

In the end, only a new member is added to _PF_MEMORY_RANGE_INFO structure and it is indeed the flags parameter.

Here is the _PF_MEMORY_RANGE_INFO_V2 structure :

typedef struct __declspec(align(8)) _PF_MEMORY_RANGE_INFO_V2 {
    ULONG version;
    ULONG flags;
    ULONG ranges_count;
static superfetch_config_t& initialize(void) {
    if (!initialize_privileges()) {
        return g_superfetch_config;

    // assign superfecth version dynamically and use the right struct, some system are v1 some are v2 due to windows update
    // (on my system nt!PfpMemoryRangesQuery checks for memory_range_info.Version == 2)

    native::PPF_MEMORY_RANGE_INFO_V2 memory_ranges = nullptr;
    native::SUPERFETCH_INFORMATION sf_info = {};
    std::size_t result_length = 0;
    native::PF_MEMORY_RANGE_INFO_V2 memory_range_info = {};
    memory_range_info.version = 2;

    auto build_info = [=](native::PSUPERFETCH_INFORMATION SuperfetchInfo, PVOID Buffer, ULONG Length, native::SUPERFETCH_INFORMATION_CLASS InfoClass) -> void {
        SuperfetchInfo->Version = SUPERFETCH_VERSION;
        SuperfetchInfo->Magic = SUPERFETCH_MAGIC;
        SuperfetchInfo->Data = Buffer;
        SuperfetchInfo->Length = Length;
        SuperfetchInfo->InfoClass = InfoClass;

    build_info(&sf_info, &memory_range_info, sizeof(memory_range_info), native::SUPERFETCH_INFORMATION_CLASS::SuperfetchMemoryRangesQuery);

    NTSTATUS status = LAZYCALL(NTSTATUS, "ntdll.dll!NtQuerySystemInformation", native::SYSTEM_INFORMATION_CLASS::SystemSuperfetchInformation, &sf_info, sizeof(sf_info), &result_length);
    if (status == STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL) {
        memory_ranges = static_cast<native::PPF_MEMORY_RANGE_INFO_V2>(HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, result_length));
        memory_ranges->version = 2;
        build_info(&sf_info, memory_ranges, static_cast<ULONG>(result_length), native::SUPERFETCH_INFORMATION_CLASS::SuperfetchMemoryRangesQuery);
        status = LAZYCALL(NTSTATUS, "ntdll!NtQuerySystemInformation", native::SYSTEM_INFORMATION_CLASS::SystemSuperfetchInformation, &sf_info, sizeof(sf_info), &result_length);
        if (status != STATUS_SUCCESS) {
            return g_superfetch_config;
    } else if (status == STATUS_SUCCESS) {
        memory_ranges = &memory_range_info;
    } else {
        return g_superfetch_config;

    if (memory_ranges->ranges_count == 0x0) {
        return g_superfetch_config;

    native::PPHYSICAL_MEMORY_RUN Node;
    for (ULONG i = 0; i < memory_ranges->ranges_count; i++) {
        Node = reinterpret_cast<native::PPHYSICAL_MEMORY_RUN>(&memory_ranges->ranges[i]);

            Node->BasePage << PAGE_SHIFT,
            (Node->BasePage + Node->PageCount) << PAGE_SHIFT,
            ((Node->PageCount << PAGE_SHIFT) >> 10) * 1024		 // kb to byte

    g_superfetch_config.initialized = true;
    return g_superfetch_config;

Full code can be found there.